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Donald E. Hester

Career Values

Woman with a pen

I once listened to Franklin Covey talk about values and how he recommended that you list your values, define them, and write some statements about how you can demonstrate that value every day. I have kept a list and have updated it over the years.

One good reason for this is many people say they have a value but their behavior not always align with their stated values. It is one thing to say you value other people’s time, but when you are conically late for meeting, your behavior demonstrates that you don’t value other’s time.

The reason why I think documenting your values is because I think it helps us to live those values out in our lives and careers. I feel often if I don’t remind myself I forget these values or make actions don’t always align with them. A refresher from time to time is good. Plus, I think it is good to review and update the list from time to time. Often reviewing them can help you make important career decisions.

I encourage students to make their own list. I plan to start posting my list here. Feel free to borrow the ideas.

For each value you should cover the following:

  • Value

  • Definition

  • An explanation of what it means, define it.

  • Practice (Actions)

  • Tasks that can be done to show that value (Action Items) to show you how to put the value into work in your life.

  • Notes

  • Notes, Stories, Resources, Rational and/or Support

So keep a look out for future posts on specific career values.

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