Cyber Risk Update 18 AUG 2023
This is a selection of this week's events. For more news and advisories check out our discord server. Local Government Cyber Watch...
Reporting to Council: Why Local Governments Should Use the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
The blog post discusses how the NIST Cybersecurity Framework can be an effective tool for reporting on cybersecurity to council members.
Cybersecurity Policy Coverage
What topics need to be covered in cybersecurity policies? In this post, I will cover the required cybersecurity policies from various...
Policy, Procedure, or Plan
Some standards like PCI and NIST require policies that cover specific topics. Sometimes you will see a requirement for a policy and...
Cybersecurity Policy for Local Governments
Here is a sample high-level cybersecurity policy for a city, district, or county. It is designed to be a high-level statement adopted by...
Microsoft Compliance Manager
Microsoft has released Compliance Manager for general availability this week. The feature was made available in Public Preview in...