- Donald E. Hester
Student Responsibilities
Follow these guidelines to get the most out of your education.
Ask questions if you don’t understand. If you can, answer other student’s questions.
Attend class. For online classes log into the class at least once a week. Attendance is defined, for the purposes of online classes is logging on once a week.
Completely reading the Student Guide/Syllabus in its entirety prior to making inquiries with the instructor or college to ensure that the issue or topic is not covered. Should you have any questions about the Student Guide/Syllabus that is not covered or understood please contact the instructor.
Reading your email for important updates and course information on a weekly basis.
Read the assignments in a timely manner to ensure quizzes, practical exercises, research paper, and exams are properly and specifically addressed.
Participating in the classroom course discussion/inquiries with the instructor to ensure you are prepared for the assignments. Certain questions posed by students may be posted in the e-mail or discussion board to all students should inquires be beneficial to other students. Discussion group participation is graded in online classes.
Ensuring assignments are completed on time. Assignments include practical exercises, quizzes, tests, Lab work, and research papers and may be found in the assignment section of the course and in the electronic classroom. Late submissions will also be considered but deductions will apply. No assignment submitted after the last day of class will be accepted.
RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST AN EXTENSION OR WITHDRAWALS FROM THIS COURSE: You may request withdrawal from this course for a cogent reason, such as aggravated illness, extended work-related travel, deployment, etc. It is the student’s responsibility to withdrawal or file for extension with the admissions office.
It is the students responsibility to drop all classes in which he/she is no longer participating.
It is the instructors discretion to withdraw a student after the add/drop deadline due to excessive absences.
Students who remain enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline, as stated in the class schedule, will receive an evaluative letter grade in this class.