Cool Writing Tool
I found a really cool web app designed to make writing better and easier and sounds like it would work great for what you guys are doing.
It's called Draft ( and it has a ton of cool features that seem like no brainers but have never been done before. It all started because the guy was a coder who made blog posts but really wanted version control like Git, where you can easily track changes you've made and collaborate with others to recommend changes and merge or reject them.

Google docs does this now but Draft is super fast/lightweight and can also:
Analytics so you can hone in and figure out why a post you made took off so you can replicate success
Transcribe videos (great for making captions from your recorded cyber security stuff)
1 click share to any platform/site (literally anything)
Host a document or folder of docs as it's own website on Draft
Need something proofread but don't have time or anyone to send it to? One click will send your doc to a copyeditor company (under an NDA). They will propose any edits, changes or deletions and you can choose to use them or not.
Same service as above but they have a robot do it for free
Use Markdown to write in html or have checklists
Has images
You can write a quick note in email and send it to your Draft address and it will turn it into a note
Make presentation slides
Comment out a portion of your writing (like when you comment out code, it sets that portion aside and you can decide to merge it back in later)
Advanced Version Control - Draft autosaves all the time but you can flag certain save points as important changes in case you want to revert back.
Easy collaboration between teams