Course Transferability

Course Transferability
Computer Network Technology (CNT)
A majority of the Computer Networking Technology courses transfer to four-year universities as elective units. The course content will prepare students for further study at the upper division level in majors such as Information Technology, Management Information Systems, and Networking and Data Communications. Variation in requirements may exist at particular four-year universities; therefore, it is essential that the student refer to the catalog of the prospective transfer institution and consult a counselor.
Computer Information Systems (CIS)
A majority of the Computer Information Systems courses transfer to four-year universities and may fulfill some lower division major requirements. The course content will prepare students for further study at the upper division level in majors such as Information Technology, Management Information Systems, and Networking and Data Communications. Variation in requirements may exist at particular four-year universities; therefore, it is essential that the student refer to the catalog of the prospective transfer institution and consult a counselor.