Muni Hit by Ransomware Attack

I just heard the on the news about San Francisco Muni was impacted by a Ransomware attack. I first heard of it on TV news. They did not understand while the ransom amount was $73,000.00. I then did an internet search on the story and found out the ransom amount was for 100 Bitcoin coins which is close to the $73,000.00 amount per
They are reporting the issue was cause by an employee clicking on a link from an email which caused the Ransomware to get downloaded. There was also a report of the agents' computer screens displayed the message "You Hacked, ALL Data Encrypted”. This attack also caused the ticket machines to go out of order. They also reported the payroll system was impact but not the computers which runs the trains. The issue started on Friday and the reports from Monday are saying some systems are still down.
One of the things I hate to hear is a news story, is when there is no Internet expert giving advice on it. While watching on two different TV channels (11 & 20), they failed to understand why the ransom amount was $73,000. I did look up the current worth of 100 Bitcoins is $73241.00
Tim Busco
CNT 50 & CNT 51